Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fuck this bailout bullshit
Now the rest of the world is pointing fingers at us saying we need to fix the problem. Fuck them, too. You got into the global economy. Deal with it.
Why must We, the People, have to pay for capitalistic greed gone wild? Did they share with us their profits when they were making all of that money? No!
Let the market crash. Let everyone lose everything. And then let it all stabilize, regain itself and move on. Companies rise and fall everyday. It's time some of those fat cats fall hard on their asses.
It's bad enough I have to pay for a shitty war I never approved.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Philosophy 100: Does god exist?
What is god?
The Miriam-Webster dictionary online defines 'God' as:
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe b: Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2: a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship ; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
3: a person or thing of supreme value
4: a powerful ruler
I would add to that that 'God' is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. So, god should be all-powerful, all encompassing and all-knowing. Let's not forget omnibenevolent, or all good. For arguments sake, let's assume we're talking about the Abrahamic god; the god of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Otherwise, we may get confused with one of the THOUSANDS of other gods worshipped today.
God is the uncreated creator and ruler of the universe. He (I say 'he', though I don't believe god would have a gender) created the planets, stars and everything we see around us. He created us in his image and gave man, via Adam, control of this planet and all that live on it.
Besides being everywhere and knowing everything, he is benevolent. He is pure goodness, the yin to the yang of evil. He loves and cares for all of his children (us), though it isn't his fault that people suffer, die tragically or go to hell.
So, do I believe in god? No. I find god to be a myth, like all other deities before it. Christianity (and Judaism) are forms of other religions. Mithraism, Zoroastrianism and most recently Paganism are but a few that religion bit off of to form what we know today. I digress. We're not talking about religion; we're talking about god.
How do I know that god doesn't exist? It's simple, really. There isn't any proof that god exists. Since there isn't any proof that god exists, the logical conclusion is - god doesn't exist (that's why believing in god is faith-based). And, no, the bible isn't proof (it was written by man) nor is man, plant or animal the basis of proof (evolution and abiogenesis). I can use Ockham's Razor, anyway, to come to the conclusion that the concept of god is too complicated an idea to have been responsible for the creation of everything. There are plenty of reasons why I don't believe in god but the basis is - no proof. Sure, the possibility exists, as does the possibility that Zeus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Thor, Vishnu, Krishna, Vulcan, Apollo or any number of other gods exists. They can exist as much as a China teapot orbitting one of the planets in our solar system or invisible unicorns. However, the probability of these existing is nil. And I say that with certainty.
[At this point, I talk about a test I took, which can be found at this link: http://www.philosophersnet.com/games/god.htm. It's an interesting test that tries to find contradictions in one's belief. You need to take it to understand.]
Now, as for my direct hits; I didn't have any direct hits. I did have to bite 3 bullets, which I thought were kinda lame. And did anyone notice that the test called god a "she"?
You claimed earlier that any being which it is right to call God must want there to be as little suffering in the world as possible. But you say that God could make it so that everything now considered sinful becomes morally acceptable and everything that is now considered morally good becomes sinful. What this means is that God could make the reduction of suffering a sin... yet you've said that God must want to reduce suffering. There is a way out of this, but it means biting a bullet. So you've got to make a choice: (a) Bite the bullet and say that it is possible that God wants what is sinful (to reiterate the argument here - she must want to reduce suffering; she could make the reduction of suffering a sin; but if she did so, what she wanted (reducing suffering) would be sinful). (b) Take a direct hit and say that this is an area where your beliefs are just in contradiction.
If god is all powerful and can control anything, god can certainly switch what is sinful to not sinful and vice versa. Thus, god could want what is sinful. But, if god changes what is sinful to not sinful, isn't it no longer sinful?
You stated earlier that evolutionary theory is essentially true. However, you have now claimed that it is foolish to believe in God without certain, irrevocable proof that she exists. The problem is that there is no certain proof that evolutionary theory is true - even though there is overwhelming evidence that it is true. So it seems that you require certain, irrevocable proof for God's existence, but accept evolutionary theory without certain proof. So you've got a choice: (a) Bite a bullet and claim that a higher standard of proof is required for belief in God than for belief in evolution. (b) Take a hit, conceding that there is a contradiction in your responses.
There is no certain proof that evolutionary theory is true. However, there is enough to warrant it as fact. Period. If we required certainty, wouldn't everything be questionable? I don't require irrevocable proof for god's existence. I simply require as much proof as I see with evolution. Just to be clear, gravity is a theory, too.
You've just bitten a bullet! In saying that God has the freedom and power to do that which is logically impossible (like creating square circles), you are saying that any discussion of God and ultimate reality cannot be constrained by basic principles of rationality. This would seem to make rational discourse about God impossible. If rational discourse about God is impossible, there is nothing rational we can say about God and nothing rational we can say to support our belief or disbelief in God. To reject rational constraints on religious discourse in this fashion requires accepting that religious convictions, including your religious convictions, are beyond any debate or rational discussion. This is to bite a bullet.
I don't say that god has the freedom and power to do what is logically impossible but those that believe in him do. If god is all-powerful, god can change the laws of physics, the rules of logic, anything.. god is omnipotent! He created the universe! If he can do that, how hard would it be to change the rules of logic and the laws of physics (it would be logical to say that he created those, too, right?)? Pesky questions like 'Can god create a rock he cannot lift?' seem to make things tricky though.
In reality, the questions, for me, should have ended as soon as I said False to the question "God Exists" because, frankly, everything else after that becomes irrelevant.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New Season! Grey's Anatomy
It's how we relate.
I once told someone how great Grey's is and how, if she only had a television, she should watch the show because it is good television. So she watched it. Online. And she dismissed it. And I wondered.. how can anyone dismiss such a show? It's brilliant. It's touching. It often times makes me so emotionally charged, I have to blog about it.
Then I got it.
It's not what Grey's has that makes it such a great drama. It's what we have in ourselves that makes it a good drama. And most people don't realize that the show plays on our own experiences, our own feelings, our own dilemmas to make it what it is. The reason why it (and other shows of its caliber) is so good is because we can relate to each storyline, to each character, to each emotional dilemma. We are what makes the story so good because each storyline is within us. Our own lives fill in the gaps, smooth the corners and dot the i's. We are apart of the storyline and we don't even know it. It's because we can relate in such minute and subtle ways.
We get it because we've experienced it.
When one dismisses a show like Grey's Anatomy, one does so because life's experiences may have eluded him or her. He or she may have not experienced life in the way most of us have, or not enough of it anyway. He or she.. may have been sheltered. And, in being so, just doesn't get it.
Or, he or she is just an insensitive, left-brained git. (I say that because I'm more right-brained)
It isn't really about Grey's Anatomy. Any well-written, well-acted drama does what Grey's does. That's credit to the writers and producers of the show. But the real credit goes to you and me. We are why the show does well. Not because we're told it's a good show but because we get it. And we get it because we've lived our lives to some degree and can relate to the themes.
And that's why Grey's Anatomy is brilliant.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Because, she just might take you up on your offer.
I certainly don't need that kind of madness again.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Last night at Cinespia!
So, as we stand in line on the sidewalk on Sunset Blvd listening to some Mexican stripmall church performing music that sounds a lot like Ozzy Ozbourne (Crazy Train) and Black Sabbath (Iron Man) in the background, while drinking Shiraz from lovely glass (heavy glass!) cups (not appropriate wine glasses), I spied the chick I met online whom I went out on a few dates with (again, DEATH RACE is NOT a good date movie).
Talk about awkward.
I immediately made myself look busy by looking up at storefront signs, the forming moon, the church playing Ozzy-Sabbath music; stuff one does when trying to look busy while not being noticed by said past-date chick.
So time passes and we're ushered into the cemetery (yes, cemetery, because that's where Cinespia is! Duh!?) and all is right with the world. We find our spot in the back, as always, and lo and behold the chick AND her date walk up nearly next to us and scope out areas of grass seating.
Shit! What the fuck do I do now? (One of my friends said I should have shouted out, "I'd fuck that bitch there," to which I said, "Umm, no.") So, again.. signs, waning moon, palm trees (in lieu of church and crappy songs). I think she saw me this time because they bee-lined it to the other side of the field.
So just what the hell does one do when they see someone whom they had a few dates with but never really talked to again (not my fault. She's the one that stopped correspondence. Bitch.)? Should I have gone up to her and said, "Hey, [her name here]! How goes it? Is this the new cock you found on [dating service here]? I see he's better looking than you! Good of you to move up in the world." ...or...
"Hey, biatch. What's up with not calling or emailing back? You know I needed weeks of therapy for that? Don't you think it's considerate to at least close off an open port of communication? My mom had to bake me cookies for days on end just for me to get over you! Oh the horror!"
I think the second one would have been funnier. Of course, the-Hey-I'd-fuck-her! comment, in hindsight, seems most funniest though the most crude. Of course, I didn't point her out to any of my friends because, frankly, they don't need to see who she is nor do I need to make myself more obvious. Live and let live, I always say.
The movie was great. Sergourney Weaver was just sooo hot and a strong chick, which led to feminist jokes with another, female, friend. Of course, she's somewhat feministic herself, just more hot and realistic. Later, as I apologized for any jokes that may have offended, she simply said that if she thought I were being serious, she'd have kicked my ass. With her really cute shoes.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Photographs: A Train Ride

I arrived at the train station around 9:30am. I was a little early, but I wanted to take in the atmosphere of a real live train station. I hadn't taken a train anywhere since I was a younger lad (and in another country even!) so I was actually excited to be off on this adventure.
I always thought Los Angeles was heavenly. It is the place where we go to after we die. [sarcasm: off]

So, the train came and we all boarded (all four of us at the station. Two Korean tourists and some skater kid. Oh wait.. I think a transient woman came at the last minute). I was so jumpy with glee. I'm on the train!
I took a few pictures as we moved, going towards the great city of Los Angeles. Mind you, I could have driven into LA from the OC but that would have cost me more than the ticket, actually. $8.50 for a round trip and I can use it on a bus ride as well. A gallon of gas was 4 something and I'm sure I would have used a few gallons.
The trip wouldn't have been right if there wasn't any graffiti to be seen along the way.
The Promised Land®. It looms over the horizon like.. well.. a city. Duh!
The hallways that lead to civilization. Or to another train. One of the two.

Here I am exploiting the natives while they dance. Talk about Dance Dance Revolution.... without the revolution. Give Mexico back Los Angeles. Oh.. wait.. they have it already.

So I jumped onto the Red Line and headed up to Hollywood. A friend was out that way and I thought I'd meet up with him. In the first pic, I'm just lounging. The second pic is a stop on the way. Again, we in the OC don't have the luxury of subways. Just shitty busses. With shitty people. Who smell like shit.

I met up with my friend and we kicked it at The Pig and Whistle. A swanky little joint I must say. I started with a vodka martini, very dry, and after that I had a single-malt scotch. After those I had a few (too many) more drinks. The bartender, whose name escapes me at the moment (it started with at 'T' I'm sure), was very cute, very friendly and had a few shots with my friend and me. I'll be taking the train more just to hit this place up, that's for sure.
So it's back onto the subway. Destination: home. But I have to get back to Union Station, first.

Here are some interior shots of some closed off areas in Union Station. I had some time to kill and the alcohol consumption was kicking in (and kicking my ass) so I lounged around a bit. I will not be doing that again. Oh, who am I kidding?
Rawr! Oh, please. Like you've never done anything silly within a photograph before. Like hold up the Leaning Tower of Pisa or squished your mate's head. Or taken nudie.. nevermind.
A photograph of the 5 freeway at dusk. I didn't know the guy would be in it but it was a happy accident. Thinking back.. I should have put myself in the photograph.. next time.

Another, better photograph. Person free.

My train for the ride home, in the station.
It was a wonderful day. I even bought a suit at this place on Hollywood Blvd. Black, pinstripe, single-breasted three-piece. I'm wearing it into town the next time. It goes well with my hat.
So, don't let a few mishaps dampen your potential train riding experience. The Metrolink is the bomb diggity and I mean that. Not only is it a fun and memorable experience, it saves you a shitload of money on gas. Plus, there's no worries about who's going to drive, where to park, none of that shit. Good times.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Some things..
I so fucking bombed tonight I just walked off stage without even finishing what couldn't even be considered a set. It's even lower than being a noob. Noobs just go - they take it all the way. I.. well, lower than noobness. I'm newbie noob. For those that don't know, doing standup comedy is on the level of doing Einsteinian (none of that Quantum bullshit) physics calculations, it's that difficult (okay, maybe not, but.. it's hard.. okay?). One week, you may get a laugh, the next week, you may not. In this case, my night was the latter. And doing it in a pinstripe suit where I looked like a 30's mobster doesn't make it any easier.
I don't know why I just completely froze up - I just wasn't ready for the costume yet, I'd like to think. But, I'm at the stage now where I can handle it. Normally, I'd dwell over it for days until someone would say.. get over it.. then I'd dwell just a bit more until.. well, the universe collapsed onto itself (on a side note: CERN is about to create their own Big Bang. Can't wait to get swallowed up into a mini blackhole. Damn Swiss). I can laugh at myself. Now if I can just do that with normal, everyday things in my life.. like.. well.. everything else in my life.
Just got my car back.. Yay for me! I can't tell you how much going back to an 8 cylinder vehicle feels so good after driving a 4 cylinder one. Don't get me wrong, a Ford Focus is great on gas mileage but it wasn't doing anything for my social life.... not that my Mustang is doing anything for it either but it does sound nice and it has a cool paint job. It has that going for it.
This past weekend I had the most awesome sunday. I took the train out to Los Angeles.. That's a big deal when you live in teh OC (bitch). Then I took the subway out to Hollywood, met up with a friend, had a few (too many) shots, flirted with the bartender (I seem to have a thing for pretty bartenders.. When will I ever learn?) and then bought a suit on the way back. It was definitely good times. I'm a big proponent for riding the train as a means of alternative transportation. I now have a way of getting to Hollywood for cheaper than a few gallons of gas and parking. Metrorail, you rock!
Anyway, I have photographs of my journey so I shall post those up soon. Dude, it was just fucking awesome. So. Much. Fun.
Holy fucking Christ. If I had used this as my material, it would have been fucking hilarious. I wouldn't even have had to make fun of a feminist.
Final note - watching The Matrix for Philosophy class. I got so much out of it this time round. Who knew education would be that useful!? And if no one caught the nod to Baudrillard in the beginning, I did. Those goddamned fucking Simulacrae.
Watch for the photos.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Prop 8 is teh ghey
"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."
It is the same text that Prop 22 had - except that it violated the State Constitution. The People's will does not trump the State Constitution. It's the other way round, folks.
So now they want it to be in the Constitution.
Vote NO on Prop 8. This is a moral issue. Moral issues should not be dictated to me by the State, nor should it be dictated to me by the religious right wing, who support this amendment.
If this is what it means to have "Family Values" then fuck 'em.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
God and government do not mix!
According to an AP news article (Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'), Palin is said to have addressed ministry students saying that our going to Iraq is god's plan, that "our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," and that "that's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan." Absolute BULLSHIT. Your position, Governor Palin, is not to be used as a pulpit for religious zealousness. That's abuse of power and(!) taking advantage of people whose beliefs you are pandering to.
Also, she said it's god's will that a $30 billion pipeline be built to transport natural gas to the mainland and that everyone should pray for it. God's fucking will. Are you kidding me?! What does god need a fucking pipeline carrying natural gas for? God's will my fucking ass.
This talk has no place in government. Atheist or not, I have strong feelings against government mixing with religion. This is a nation diverse in religious beliefs. What makes her beliefs more important than the Muslims', Jews' or even Pagans' beliefs? If we have a VP like her as the second in command, how will her beliefs affect her actions in office? An evangelical Christian is one thing, an evangelical Christian using her position to spout religious rhetoric is another. We don't need that anywhere near the White House.
Not only does this anger me, it fucking scares me.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Twitter anyone?
cvb.blog (at) gmail.com