Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dowd FTL

Oh, Maureen.. How could you plagiarize.. from a blog no less?

Yeah, a 'friend' did it. Bullshit.


I recently posted about one of Dowd's Op-Eds regarding Twitter and how she hates it (let's face it, she fails at life). Maybe she hates Twitter because it's hard to plagiarize 140-character tidbits of information?? Just sayin'...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I was perusing old emails and I found the ones where you and I corresponded and how you were always intellectual and always argumentative and always direct. Using big words and showing your mental superiority, you ran circles around me when it came to stringing words together to make sentences, which made paragraphs and pages. You KNEW you were smarter than me in those moments but I tried to keep up, I tried to counter; I made the effort to show you that I could grasp what you were trying to convey or at least get something you wanted me to get.

Looking back at those precious emails I am reminded of the feelings I once had for you, the feelings I now have for you and the feelings I may have for you in the future. None are them are the same. I once loved you. Now I hate you. Maybe one day I will like you for who you were, or at least, who I thought you were because you were a fraud, a fake, an actor who played me, being someone you weren't to see how I'd react. Fuck it, it doesn't matter. Certainly not to you (which angers me the most).

You are a bitch for that. A cunt. You are fucking nothing. So smart, yet so fucking stupid. Who the fuck do you think you are for doing that? What, were you so angry at something or someone or did you think you were so superior that you thought you had to prove something? Or are human emotions simply playthings to you?

For someone who wants to live a moral and ethical life - does that mean only when it suits you? Only when it matters?

Fuck. You. And go to hell.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm now a statistic

Friday, I became another statistic.

I lost my job to a RIF, or, Reduction in Force.

That day, after I collected my stuff, said goodbye to my co-workers and was walked out of the office, I got into my car and..

Went to see Star Trek.

(I bet you thought I was going to say Disneyland, didn't you? I did go to Downtown Disney though.)

The loss of a job is terrible but this job so sucked on so many levels, I can't help it that I don't care or that it doesn't bother me. I'm better off. Yep, I am.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Poem: Life

The flip of a coin
Heads or tails
Unknown until it hits the floor
A decision of what life will be like
Each consequential rotation through the air

And life will be a gem
Sweetbreads and candy canes
Easy streets and never-ending flows of exuberance
Life will be nothing but joy

And life will know no goodness
Trashcans and green flies
A cornucopia of sorrow and poor choices
Life will be nothing


A flip of a coin does not life make
Not exactly anyway
There are more than two sides
Two deciding factors
That lead one to the life one knows

And is it good or bad that life is multi-faceted
Multi-put whatever you want here to fill in your blanks
It’s your life

A string of building blocks
That no one knows
Not even the God of the Gaps
Give but a fleeting glimpse of happenings
To come

Flip the coin
Take the chance
Heads or tails
Flip flip flip
It’s your life to live however you wish

Or is it?

Sunday, May 03, 2009


I think I have the flu. I know I have many of the symptoms one would find on the back of a Niquil bottle. I wish I even had the swine flu. To say I had it... wouldn't that be fabulicious?

Anyway.. on to whatever it is I was going to write..

September 1st, 2012. Kind of an arbitrary date.

It is 1094 days from today.

It is 2 years, 11 months, 28 days from today.

There are 94,521,600 seconds between now and then. 1,575,360 minutes. 26,256 hours.

This is the day I either get out of hell..

Or kill myself.